Saturday, January 30, 2010

Videos Of How To Do Handwriting Games How Can I Teach My Second Grader To Write Better?

How can I teach my second grader to write better? - videos of how to do handwriting games

My son is in the second year and still get bad marks by hand. The teacher sent home tons worksheet to help you write better. It is better here at home, writing clean enough, but when I go to school, his handwriting is sloppy again. Moreover, even if it's written, it takes more .... sometimes an hour for six words and definitions. I have tried everything ... Grounding of the game, would not let him play, you need to do more homework ... etc., but nothing seems to work. I, as a merger, because I do not know what they have better things to do. All his teachers say he is the smartest in his class, but most just want to be funny and ready to work. It is very good at math ... I could add and subtract before school, and hit his only double-digit increase of 1 degree. Additionally, you can learn the game and beat them within hours. Why not just write well? Oh, it was also difficult to define


justanot... said...

I wish I had a conversation with the teacher.
My son is in Grade 1, he had difficulty one to help with pencil grip on the end of your pencil on the right could be a problem with your child, as you said, but he also at home.

There may be many distractions in the classroom.

I want a meeting or try to talk to the teacher about your concerns!

Ashley T said...

I agree with the first answer. They have much to do with the environment in the school, or if your child is doing. Definitely a meeting time with the teacher. Another thing to try is the handwriting without tears program. I think it's expensive, but worth the investment. Good luck! These things always take more iron.

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